Saturday 9 February 2013

Character Representation - Gladiator

Maximus (Russell Crowe): He is portrayed as a honourable man. He is meant to be liked and respected by all that follow him. This is evidently shown by all the soldiers in the roman army smiling at him and giving him words of respect. He wears gold, a metal that is associated with power, wealth and greatness. He wears fur which marks him as important as he is the only person wearing fur in the army. He is an emotional man and a man that the men rally behind as he promises them that they will be back to their families soon.

The Roman Army: The opposite to the Germanic Barbarian army, the Roman army are quiet, calm and respectful to their leader, Maximus. Their armour is immaculate and all of them are clean shaven and smart looking. They are in an orderly line which signifies respect for their leader's commands and good training.

The Germanic Barbarian Army:  The polar opposite to the Roan army, the barbarians are almost bestial. Some are bare chested and they have unkempt and uncut hair and beards. They are not in a line and are an unorganised army. Some do not have shields and others do. They are also wild and unsavoury people. This is shown when they cut off the head of the roman messenger which was one of the most insulting things they can do.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Maximus is sound. Ensure that you give all necessary details, such as what exactly reveals him to be emotional (the inner strength that he draws from his attachment to the land; his memories of happy family life evoked through the sound codes of family voices). What does the shot of the robin contribute to our understanding of what he values, as he pauses to notice and smile? Very good comments on the enemy.
