Wednesday 26 September 2012

26th September 2012

Today, we had to make ourselves a twitter account, where we can follow media companies and experts in the hope that we can get some information when needed. We gave the video links from our homework and we also gave Mrs Mann the urls to our blog so she could give as any advice on how to improve them.

Mrs Mann introduced us to a site called Prezi where we can show what we have learned. I am excited because this program can benefit me with all my other lessons in which I have to present work.

Advert links

The video for the first advert can be found here
The video for the second advert can be found here

Friday 14 September 2012

Lucozade Brand Study

Lucozade's original name was Glucozade and was available throughout as a medical drink. In the 80s, the name was change to Lucozade and was changed from a medicinal drink to an energy drink. With some strong advertising using celebrities such as Olympic champion decathlete Daley Thompson, Lucozade quickly became the leading energy drink enjoying sales tripling in the period of 1984-1989.

Lucozade then released Lucozade sport which became the UK's leading energy drink. Lucozade sport went on to sponsor many football teams such as Chelsea FC, Arsenal FC and Liverpool FC. It now sponsors the FA, the England football team and the Irish Football team. 

The Lucozade brand values re-energising its consumers. It is tirelessly working with scientists, universities and sports stars to improve the drink.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Today, we were brought into the classroom and we continued our talk on Coca-Cola from last time. We studied Coca-Cola's slogans and realized that they hadn't much changed throughout the years. She also told us that we were going to be making a film opening. The criteria was action/adventure and I already have some good ideas for it. We discussed Coca-Cola and its influence on Christmas which was very interesting as I discovered that Coca Cola made Santa Claus look the way he does today. Before 1931, when the first picture of a jolly red and white Santa was published, there was many different versions of Santa Claus.

At the end of the lesson, we looked at the Coca-Cola advert I wish. It was made by the same people who made the diet coke commercial which I linked in my last blog. We saw that a girl was singing and handing around coke, when she gave people coke, they became happy and did not look so dull and unhappy.

The link for the video can be found here

Have a nice week


Friday 7 September 2012

Friday 7 September 2012

Hi, my name is Bertie Simpson and this is my first Blog.I am making this blog for my Media Studies GCSE. Today Mrs Mann sat us done and explained to us some key points of Advertising which is our first topic. She then proceeded to show us a couple of advertisements the first being an advertisement about Coca Cola which featured the celebrity Duffy (The link to the video can be found here). Mrs Mann told us about how companies like Coca Cola like to promote themselves using famous celebrities. We looked at the video and realized that Diet Coke was targeted at women or do not wish to drink normal Coca Cola in case they get fat. The advert depicts Duffy coming off the stage in a concert for a break. She gets given a Diet Coke and she drinks it. She then grabs a bike and has some time to herself riding a bike and singing. She rides through a supermarket and back to the concert hall. She then gets back onto the stage. What the advert is trying to get across to the target market was the fact that even busy people could have some alone time and showing that the Diet Coke is the cause of that.

Mrs Mann then showed us the second clip which is a Coke Zero advert which was piggybacking on an upcoming movie of the time, James Bond: Quantum of Solace (The link to the video can be found here). It shows James Bond in the classic start to all of the James Bond films but the start is in Coke Zero colors. At the time when the advert was released, Coke Zero was not selling as well as the Coca Cola company had hoped so it piggybacked on the upcoming James Bond movie. Mrs Mann told us this was called synergy. The video is mostly in the Coke Zero colors of red and black. At the end of the video it very cleverly makes the signature 007 symbol. The music is loud and is in theme with the movie and it is also to catch the attention of the target market which we theorized was young men who also wish to go n a diet but not get fat or feel guilty for drinking a sugary drink such as Coca Cola. 

The last thing I did today was to create this blog so I could showcase my work to my teacher (Mrs Mann) and to other people interested about what I have to say about Media.   

Have a nice day!
