Friday 14 September 2012

Lucozade Brand Study

Lucozade's original name was Glucozade and was available throughout as a medical drink. In the 80s, the name was change to Lucozade and was changed from a medicinal drink to an energy drink. With some strong advertising using celebrities such as Olympic champion decathlete Daley Thompson, Lucozade quickly became the leading energy drink enjoying sales tripling in the period of 1984-1989.

Lucozade then released Lucozade sport which became the UK's leading energy drink. Lucozade sport went on to sponsor many football teams such as Chelsea FC, Arsenal FC and Liverpool FC. It now sponsors the FA, the England football team and the Irish Football team. 

The Lucozade brand values re-energising its consumers. It is tirelessly working with scientists, universities and sports stars to improve the drink.

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